Your surgery is done, and you’ve got a new shoulder…and HCM is still by your side
Once you’ve gone through shoulder surgery at HCM, your recovery begins on day one. In fact, our program gets you up and moving with assistance within a day of your surgery to speed your recovery and shorten your hospital stay. With the help of our therapists, you’ll perform many of the exercises that you started before surgery, and you’ll shower with assistance. Everything you do now prepares you to leave the hospital.
You’ve got options for where your post-surgery recovery will take place, and HCM will help you decide which one is best for you. Following your surgery, a hospital case manager will visit with you to discuss your discharge plans. You may opt to go home and receive physical therapy there or at a physical therapy office. HCM offers home care and outpatient physical therapy to help you with your recovery. You might also opt to go to a skilled nursing facility or an acute rehabilitation unit at a hospital. The path you choose will depend on what is best for you, your family, and your coach.
While you’re with us at HCM, physical and occupational therapists will monitor your progress and will discuss what you’ll need to do to transition safely from the hospital. Regardless of the type of shoulder replacement you received, you’ll need to wear a sling for three to four weeks after surgery, you won’t be able to drive for a few weeks, and you must limit your use of your surgical arm and shoulder. You should plan for your coach to help you with some of your daily activities.
It’s been a long road, but HCM has partnered with you every step of the way. In just a few weeks, you’ll be back to living your best life and participating in your favorite activities.
Contact one of our Orthopedic Specialists today!